Shedding Light on Mizrahi Remembrance Day

Title: Shedding Light on Mizrahi Remembrance Day
at our 11th Sephardic Music Festival.
Date – 12/10/15
Music: “City of Refuge” acoustic set by Automatic Toys.

• Join the Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles, 30 Years After, JIMENA and the Sephardic Music Festival to light tonight’s candle at this multi-media event, as we come together to remember & celebrate Mizrahi history and culture through art and music, with a one-time-only “City of Refuge” acoustic set by Automatic Toys.

This is the second annual Mizrahi Remembrance Month and the official day of commemoration of Jewish refugees from Arab countries and Iran.


* With support by The Semitic, ROI120 and Infinite Light.