Don't Block Your Blessings Festival III


Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.

Don’t Block Your Blessings is a first of its kind live-stream festival featuring musicians, artists, and some of the most innovative minds in self-growth and healing. The debut DBYB festival featured over 40+ world-wide presenters with 25,774 attendees / viewers. It was featured on Fox and everyone from Cast members from Broadway’s Hamilton, to Shantala, Heather Prete, and DJ Q Bert presented at the festivals.

The festival is free to attend virtually, and is set to take place on Thursday October 28th, between 5-9pm PST.

Here are the epic Artists, Musicians and Healers presenting:

Featured Musicians:

MANTRAGOLD, DJ Qbert, Shantala, The Boom Bap Kids, Thom Donovan, Smokey Miles, PsychicTwin, Devon, Nico Franc, Talia Lava, Case Watson, Deborah Stokol, Sabrina Carmen, RANA, h2the, & Goldspek.

Featured Healers:

Arezu, David Sacks, Kimmy Dueñas, Brian Marc Zimberg, Lisa Stuart, Nili Salem, Benson Simmonds, Dina Leialoha, Jeremiah Holguin, Ali Jameson, Prince Daniels Jr., Sand Symes, HARDCHARLIE, Laughing LoveBugs, Koreyography, & Civia Carolina.

Featured Painters:

Erin Hammond, Jeneane Van Grotewiel, C.C. Czerwinski, Leslie Cruz, Inbal Nissim, & Nofar Mualem.

The goal of Don’t Block Your Blessings is to collect and present an online living library of stories, performances, light and love to a world in need of healing.

RSVP & Tune-in @


