A Night of Processing, Healing, and Unity (LA)

Join us for an evening of profound healing and connection as we celebrate the launch of R’ Moshe Gersht’s new book, “The Three Conditions”. This, however, isn’t simply about a book launch. R’ Moshe is joining us from Israel to facilitate this evening as a beacon for our community to come together and navigate the complex nature of events that have shaped and continue to influence Israel. Listen and engage with our special panel of speakers that include Nili Salem, David Sacks, and Erez Safar – each bringing a unique perspective on processing, healing, and awakening. The night promises a blend of enlightening talks and interactive Q&A, creating a space for collective growth and understanding. And, of course, don’t miss out on grabbing your copy of “The Three Conditions”, an exploration of the spiritual journey that awaits us all. Come, be a part of this transformative evening.

Happy Minyan is located at 9311 W. Pico Blvd, LA, CA 90035


